November Network Meetings

Area Conferences:
1.     Mc Henry Community College Early Childhood Conference
Ø Annually: A Saturday in mid November (7:30 AM – 1:00 PM)
Ø Keynote and 2  sectionals
Ø Economical- $40 per person
Ø Snacks

2.     ASCD Pre-K & Kindergarten Conference
Ø Held at the Schaumburg Convention Center
Ø Held annually; March 7-9, 2018
Ø $125 - $265 depending on attendance an ASCD membership; with two paid teacher registrations the school administrator goes free!
Ø Excellent Speakers
Ø Lots of Vendors
Ø Registration fills up quickly (must be done by 2/15/18 unless already filled)

Other Professional Development Opportunities:
Online classes through INCCRA:
Ø Gateways registration
Ø DCFS Licensing Required Training
Ø CCAP Provider Required Training
Ø ExceleRate Required Training
Ø ECE Credential Level 1 Training
Ø & more

Summer Programming: 

Ø TLC (Trinity), Huntley
o   3 weeks in the summer in the mornings
o   New feature:  “K Boot Camp”  with an academic focus to get students better prepared for the first day of kindergarten
o   Well received and will probably run again in the summer of 2018
o   Contact: Vicky Piller

Ø Rockford Lutheran
o   11 weeks
o   Ages: 3 years through 5th grade
o   Theme: Excelrate
o   Weekly Field trips
o   Staffed by the school’s teachers with 1 week commitments
o   @35 students per day
o   In 2018-  More academic focus; more format changes
o   Used “Invest in Kids” funding
o   Contact Person:  Curtis Wudtke

Ø St. Peter, Arlington Heights
o   8 weeks
o   Ages 2-14 years
o   @250+ students/!60 per day
o   20 years of operation
o   Has helped maintain and increase school enrollment
o   Weekly field trips- sometimes 2 per week based on age levels
o   Weekly water activities-preschool through grade 2 were onsite and grade 3-8 at a local park district pool
o   Weekly walking trips to area parks
o   Weekly special events (picnics, assemblies, special recreational activities)
o   STEM, art teachers & camp nurse
o   Features added in 2017:  Parents Day Out (PDO) 2 & 3 year olds program and the Summer Food Program which offered free snack and lunch for students.
o   Handouts:  Camp Management Calendar & Summer Days Camp 2017 brochure
o   Website information (mostly 2017 materials)
o   Contact Person:  Michelle Fritz

Ø Zion, Marengo
o   It offers an Open Site for the Marengo area for the Summer Food Program which enabled them to offer free breakfasts and lunches to community children 1-18 years old.
o   The program is publicized in area public schools and through a variety of other community agencies to families in the Marengo area.  Zion also publicizes it to its students and to the students in its After School program, which primarily come from the public schools.
o   The program can be used for breakfasts, lunches, dinners, and snacks.  It can be an “Open Site” program like Zion, where individuals just show up for the meals or as “Close Site programs, like St. Peter, Arlington Heights, where it serves the children in the Summer Camp program.
o   Some specific rule and procedures must be followed. Training through the Federal Government and its subcontractors  is needed but in general it is  a relative easy program to administer and run.  Stipends to the programs can be used to help with equipment and other related costs.
o   Zion was reimbursed for @$2.00 per child per meal.
o   They employed their own cook and offered hot meals to area residents.  It got many area families into their building on a regular basis. 
o   In 2017, they served @75 – 100 people per day
o   This was their 5th year in this Federal food program.

“Seed of Grace” at Grace Northbrook-
o   Second year for this child care center with its first Summer program held during the summer of 2017
o   Themed:  Best Children of God Super Heroes
o   10 weeks
o   For rising 1st graders through 5th grade
o   Weekly water play
o   In House visitors
o   Local Field Trips
o   Facilities:  Large fellowship hall divided up into center: motor, manipulatives, reading, dramatic play, etc.
o   8 AM – 4 PM with extend care beginning at 6:30 AM at ending at 6:30 PM, Monday through Friday
o   Costs:             (includes 3 snacks, lunch & all fieldtrips)
2 days per week     $180
3 days per week     $240
5 days per week     $310
o   Challenges:  Finding affordable busing for field trips, etc.
o   Childcare 6 weeks+ also offered in a year-round format

St Paul, Mt. Prospect 
o   Summer activities; early childhood themed weeks, fine arts camps sports camps & VBS
o   For Perks and Kindergarten themed camp
o   2017 Theme:           “Our Town”    This theme changes every summer on a rotational basis
o   4 weeks of half day early childhood level camp activities- 2 week sessions
o   Extended care available; separate entity from the camps
o   Up to 20 students at a time
o   Staffing:  teachers from the school
o   Offered only to school families; not to the community
o   Some of the school teachers lead, run & manage the camp as a separate entity of the church & school
o   20% given back to the church

 Shepherds Flock at the Lutheran Home in Arlington Heights
o   Intergenerational Child Care in a senior living facilities on a year-round schedule
o   6 weeks – 6 years  (5 levels of classrooms)
o   Licensed and uses the “Excelrate” system
o   Has its own “Noah’s Ark” bus, which they use for regular Wednesday Field Trips
o   Brings in speakers and assemblies into the building for both the students and the senior citizens
o   Challenges:  Working with DCFS guidelines yet meeting the needs of special needs students and their families

St. Andrews Lutheran, Park Ridge
o   Program is offered only to school families
o   Half day programs for part of the summer
o   Run by teachers from the school
o   Uses walking trips to various areas in the neighborhoods around the church & school.

Cross Lutheran, Yorkville
o   Preschool through 5th grade
o   Educational component with technology integration
o   Offered on Wednesdays from 9:30 – 12:00 noon
o   $15 per week/$120 per 8 weeks
o   Run as a separate entity from the church & school

Ideas for Field Trips:
1.     Bison’s Bluff in Schaumburg
2.     Offering both Medieval Times (somewhat expensive) and the Brookfield Zoo (free) to be able average field trip costs and offer a variety of field trips

Ideas for In-House Speakers/Assemblies:
1.     Rick Allen Productions:  “Magic School House” show - $160
2.     “Class Acts” Over 100 Assemblies
3.     Leonardo     Musical groups      1-888-826-6004
4.     Miss Carole Peterson   Musical presentations
5.     Karen Ritter   Nature presentations
6.      Stretch & Grow    Exercise presentations
Stretch N Grow North Inc, 1737 N Paulina St, Chicago, IL 60622

Federal Summer Food Program
o   Breakfasts, snacks and lunches delivered daily  for children 1-18 years old
o   Free SUMMER program for centers/schools/ community sites residing within  a certain distance or less from certain low income zip codes.
o   Contact person for more information
Kathy Tentler regional manager
FSP/Ceres Food Group, Inc.
5343 W. Roscoe St., Chicago, IL. 60641
Cell: 847-812-0344 

Schools of the Month:  Zion Lutheran, Marengo IL.,  and Seeds of Grace at Grace Lutheran, Northbrook

Zion Lutheran: 

This large poster was one of many pieces of child friendly artwork and murals that were posted and drawn on walls around the early childhood wing of the Zion Lutheran School building.   Their message of Jesus love was very prevalent in their building.

Director:  Sandee Dunker
Teachers & Staff:  Mary Hildebrandt, Karen Bransky, Judy Dailey, Melodie Bailey, Catie Hill, Judy Dailey, Abby Lee, Winnie Wiegel

Zion’s Preschool Staff post the Illinois State Early Learning standards in various parts of the classroom that they relate to as a reminder of what is being accomplished in these areas.  They post @ 5-10 of them each month and then rotate them.

Some of the preschool classes at Zion made their own Advent wreaths for use in their classroom. The base of them were filled with oranges with cloves which created a very nice aroma around them.

Science Project in Zion’s Two Year Old room:
A Compost Garden complete with lots of worms & plants

A road design was posted on top of the low shelves near the block corner when the transportation vehicles were found. 

Seeds of Grace Lutheran: 
Director Lori Schneider and Infant/Toddler Specialist Paige Kecseg 

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